2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 serving (40g) Tri-Blend Select Coffee Caramel
1 serving (7.5g) Beta Heart
Let the kids choose their favourite selection of mini sweets and chocolates to top the ginger bread men with. Think smarties for buttons, choc drops for eyes and Nutella for Christmas boots.

Place the sifted flour in a bowl with the ginger, cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder, Tri-Blend Select, Beta Heart, and the Herbalife Instant Beverage. Mix well with a whisk.
Place the butter in a saucepan with the maple syrup and the brown sugar over a medium heat and allow it to melt.
Whisk the egg in a separate bowl and then mix in the butter and maple syrup mixture. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, pour in the liquid and mix to bring the dough together.
Now flour a worktop and roll the dough out until it is just 1/2cm thick, dusting flour on top and also using a palette knife to slide underneath will stop it sticking. Use a template to cut the dough into gingerbread men; bring the scraps together and re-roll these for more. Place on parchment paper on a lined baking tray and bake for about 18-20 minutes, or until they feel just dry to the touch in the centre, leave to cool on a cooling tray.
Finally mix the icing sugar and enough water or lemon juice until a drizzly icing consistency forms. Pipe onto the gingerbread men to create your design, finish with a dusting of icing sugar and your choice of toppings and ta-da, festive gingerbread cookies at your finger tips, to enjoy by the fire!