5 Reasons why you shouldn’t opt for quick-fix diets
Wanting to get rid of extra weight can often seem like a challenging task – and can be one of the reasons why we look to quick fixes to get rid of those pesky fat rolls that drive some of us crazy.
However, looking for fast and easy solutions are most of the time not ideal, as a more slow and steady loss of 1–2 pounds (0.45–0.9 kg) per week is a better consideration and is a healthy weight loss as opposed to a quick fix. Also, other factors such as age need to be considered, as you are likely to lose weight at a slower pace as you get older.
Still not sold? Here are five reasons why you should think twice about following quick-fix diets for weight loss.
1. You could be losing muscle and water instead of fat
When on a quick-fix diet, you could be shedding weight due to a low-calorie intake – but there is a chance that you are losing precious muscle and water and not fat. Muscles burn more calories than fat – which means losing muscle can inhibit your ability to lose fat!
2. Maintaining rapid weight loss is not easy
When you approach your diet with the goal of a gradual weight loss, it will be easier to keep the weight off. However, when you aim to rapidly lose weight, it can be just as easy regain it all over again once you go back to eating as normal, as your metabolism also slows down when following one of these quick-fix diets too!
3. You might experience unfavourable physical symptoms
Brittle bones, hair loss, gallstones and fatigue … all of these symptoms can present themselves due to a quick-fix diet that causes nutrient deficiencies. Think twice before depriving yourself of any valuable sources of energy, as your immune symptoms could take a knock too, making you more prone to illness.
4. It can affect your mental health negatively
Fad diets can often put you in a cycle of rapid weight loss and weight gain, which means you get trapped in yo-yo dieting that can leave you feeling demotivated and deflated when weight piles back on, followed by a high of losing the weight and then disappointment again as the weight reappears.
So, do not fall in this trap of quick-fix dieting – it could have dire consequences for your mental health!

5. Quick-fix fad diets can be too rigid – and expensive too!
Laying down rules that restrict calories and certain foods can get expensive – especially if a diet calls for costly food sources to the mix and you could be losing more money than weight too!
The bottom line? Aim for results, not speed!
None of us like carrying around extra weight – however, it is not worth the risk to our health in the long term! Rather aim for healthy slow and steady results, instead of quick fixes that won’t last long, set smaller weight loss goals, aim for monthly goals to work towards and always see the bigger picture! If you aim for a steady weight loss that is easier to follow and maintain imagine just where you'll
*Did you enjoy our blog? Be sure to check out our next edition, where we will provide some insight into how to support your immune system through your diet and lifestyle!