Festive Tips To Stay On Track And A Festive Shake Recipe
food lifestyle

Festive Tips To Stay On Track And A Festive Shake Recipe

Dec 21, 2020

Festive Tips To Stay On Track And A Festive Shake Recipe

Find Recipe Below! 👀
But first, here are our top tips to staying on track this season...
It may be getting colder which makes getting out of bed harder, but there are still things that need to be done and the Christmas preparations won't get done themselves. But while you may be busy rushing around in the lead up, we thought we would give you some of our best quick tips to stay on track as best as possible this season!
Tis the season to be healthy.
Here is how you can stay on track throughout and after this festive season.
🍫 Plan your treat meals - by prepping your meals in advance, you know what you’ll be eating, and be able to cut out fewer calories earlier in the day!
🥗 When making festive plans opt for healthier options - don’t undo all of your hard work in a one week period. Indulge in wholesome meals and enjoy but don’t over do it, if it's not necessary 😅 pace your eating and still be mindful - no one likes that extra full feeling anyway.
💦 Stay hydrated! It is one of the best ways to avoid holiday cravings and maintain a healthy weight any time of the year, so drink up!
🤚 Let go of guilt! Tis the season we do slip up and maybe overindulge slightly, but it is okay!
Enjoy your Christmas dinner and why not start your boxing day with a shake?
 Why not stay in the Christmas spirit with our Gingersnap breakfast shake to start your Boxing Day Morning!
What you’ll need:
½ tsp Ground Ginger
¼ tsp Cinnamon 
Dash of Nutmeg
250ml Unsweetened Almond Milk
Heat up your milk in a pan until boiled. Pour your heated milk into your blender and add the rest of your ingredients. Blend until smooth and frothy and to-da this is the perfect gingerbread tasting hot chocolate full of nutrients to start your day.
Enjoy your festivities and have the most fun of all!
Focus on your goals ahead and your health, to make sure 2021 is your healthiest year yet!