What Exactly is A Calorie Deficit

What Exactly is A Calorie Deficit

Feb 25, 2021

What Exactly is A Calorie Deficit

029HP-Herbal Plan PTC-Keeping Calories Simple.mp4

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Have you been enjoying our blogs on weight loss tips and healthy habits to work into your daily routine to shed some pounds? Calorie deficits play a big part in the process.

Now, this might sound like something negative, but approached the right way, calorie deficits can truly assist you. Let’s take a look at what calorie deficits are all about.

What is a calorie deficit?

When you are consuming fewer calories than what you are burning through exercise and other activity, you experience a calorie deficit. Through prolonged practice, this can lead to weight loss.

However, consuming more calories than you need can have the opposite effect and lead to weight gain.

So, how many calories do you need to achieve a viable calorie deficit?

A calorie deficit of about 500 calories should be sufficient for weight loss. To pinpoint exactly how many calories you can consume, you can look at your basal metabolic rate which you can use to determine through the following calculation from Medical News Today:

- Adult male: 66 + (6.3 x body weight in lb) + (12.9 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years) = BMR

- Adult female: 655 + (4.3 x weight in lb) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years) = BMR

Once you’ve made this calculation, Medical News Today suggests the following formulas, keeping your activity levels in mind, to determine how many calories you need:

- Sedentary: little or no exercise = BMR x 1.2

- Minimally active: 1–3 days per week of exercise or activity = BMR x 1.375

- Moderately active: 3–5 days per week of moderate activity or sports = BMR x 1.55

- Very active: 6–7 days per week of hard exercise = BMR x 1.725

- Extra active: athletes who train twice per day, for example = BMR x 1.9

Achieve a calorie deficit by looking at your diet first

Adjusting your diet slightly can help you to achieve a calorie deficit and to lose weight. Choosing meals prepared at home, cutting out takeout meals and processed food and limiting fizzy drinks and alcohol can all add up to fewer calories.

Remember to stay healthy!

Reducing the number of calories in your diet can be one of your best weight loss tools, but do remember that you still need to stay healthy and ensure that you do not starve yourself – this will just lead to overeating later and rest all the good work you’ve done so far!

Still confused? Check out Danni's solution below... 

Also, always consult with your medical practitioner if you have certain underlying medical conditions and are looking for weight loss strategies. Remember, weight loss should be a healthy journey and not impact your wellbeing negatively!

*Did you enjoy our blog? Watch this space, as we will be sharing more weight loss and health tips right here!